Independence, a day to remember

     Independence day is not just a holiday. It is one of the most important day that we should celebrate. On June 12, 1898 our flag was first waved. We got our freedom from the Spaniards that that colonized us for 300 years. General Emilio Aguinaldo also read out the Act of the Declaration of Independence.
   Others think that Independence day is just a time where they can make and sell Philippine flags. But for me it is the time that we should celebrate the true meaning of the Philippine Independence Which is to remember and honor our heroes that they fought for our freedom form injustice and cruelty from Spaniards. Our heroes are fearless and they love our country, which they used to liberate us. 

     We the Filipinos should liberate ourselves from fear to be free. But do you think Philippines is really free? Cruelty, Injustice and corruption still exist. When will the Philippines become really free?




  1. Yeah I agree were not yet really free. And one more reason is that we can't even fight for just one property of ours to the other country like the Issue bet Philippines and China


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