President-Republic of the Philippines
Malacanang Palace, Manila

Dear Mr. President,
     A pleasant day sir! I'm a student from Ilocos Sur National High School. I know you have a busy schedule but I hope this letter will be sent out to you. I really appreciate your leadership. You're a good leader, you can understand your people. We depend on you. You are responsible for us.
     I just want to express my thoughts about the system of eradicating drugs in our country. Many people died. Instead of killing these people, why don't you just let them live and give them a chance? That chance can change them and improve to make themselves and become a worthy Filipino. But, they somehow they deserve being killed because they didn't just ruined their life but also the lives of others. I also want to tell my opinion about the low salary of teachers. These people work hard for the future of our country and its people, but they're not paid of what they deserve. Without these teachers, there will be no other professions will exist.
     Lastly, I just want to thank you for all those that you fulfilled. Various projects you made for us. I know the hardship of being a leader but I know you're doing your best to improve our country an to make a change that the past leaders were not able to do. Thank you and God bless!


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