Challenges, not problems

       Before the year ends, we usually reflect ourselves whether we made something good or we hurt others' feelings. Whether we failed others or ourselves. This is the time that we want to change or improve ourselves.

        Last year, I failed so many times. It was a tough year for me but what's new? Every year is tough and challenging. But you know, these are only challenges. Challenges that will make you stronger. These are the years that you will learn and improve yourself. So that, in the future if you will encounter these problems again, you will know what to do. You'll not fail again because you know what already to do. But what if you hurt someone’s feelings the past year? Maybe because you have a bad attitude that offended them. It is the time that we should change that attitude. But sometimes they misinterpret your actions or you’re just being yourself.

         Maybe things become tough, but always remember that these are only challenges. That you'll learn from it and you'll become stronger in the future.


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